Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots is DreamWorks latest animated film and it expands on the character first introduced in Shrek 2. The story starts out with Puss, voiced by Antonio Banderas, escaping from captivity and looking to steal some magic beans from Jack and Jill. That’s when he meets Kitty Soft paws and her associate Humpty Dumpty who as it turns out has a long history with Puss from their days spent in an orphanage dreaming of some day getting the goose that lays golden eggs from the giant’s castle. The movie follows the three as they search out the golden goose as well as all the twists and turns along the way.
The movie told a good story and was enjoyable for kids and adults. Just like the Shrek movies there was humor for both kids and adults. It does a nice job of filling in Puss’s back story, but while I assume that this all happened before the Shrek movies there is really no way of knowing since there was no real attempt to tie the two stories together. I would guess that there will probably be at least one sequel and they will tie the stories together in that. The voice acting was done well with some big names bringing the characters to life. Aside from Antonio Banderas, some of the other voice talent includes, Zach Galifianakis as Humpty Dumpty, Salma Hayek as Kitty, and Billy Bob Thorton, and Amy Sedaris as Jack and Jill.
I thought the movie was alright I did not think it was as good as the Shrek Movies but it did have its moments and it worked well as a standalone film. The movie also did receive an Oscar nomination for best animated feature it lost out to Rango which I agree was the better movie. I recommend this movie to anyone who liked the Shrek movies or families looking for a good film that the whole family can enjoy.
I give Puss in Boots 3 out of 5 paw prints. It was good just not great.
My next review will be the 2011 chick flick Friends with Benefits.
And now as always “You don’t have to go home, but you have to get the hell out of here!”
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